With Christmas nearing, many Christians and their families are beginning to wonder what is the culture around ornaments in the United States. While traditions differ greatly from one region of the world to the next, there are a number of common themes that can be found in traditions around decorations during the holiday season. While many people place a tree in their home as the main decoration on Christmas day, another tradition that has been growing in popularity is what is known as a wreath or ornaments. What is the culture around ornaments? The traditions personalized family ornament that are shared between various religions and cultures around the world can be traced back to when people would gather for meals and share gifts.
A wreath
would be placed on the table in a dining room and was meant to signify the
sharing of food and gifts. During these times the table would not only contain
the everyday meals, but they also contained seasonal decorations that were
meant to symbolize the changing seasons. For instance, in the time of the
Winter holidays in Germany, the table would have a Christmas tree on it,
wreaths on top, nuts, and other small gifts around the base. Wreaths are still
an important part of what is the culture around ornaments, and they are still
taken out on the tables during the holidays. In America, Christmas trees and
Christmas ornaments have grown in popularity, but they have also become
associated with different symbols and traditions.